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Fracture of Epoxy Networks Using Atomistic Simulations | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Towards Foundation Time Series Model: To Synthesize Or Not To Synthesize?
Methylene blue accelerates liquid-to-gel transition of tau condensates impacting tau function and pathology | Nature Communications
Full article: An iterative methodology for REDIM reduced chemistry generation and its validation for partially-premixed combustion
Effect of microneedles shape on skin penetration and transdermal drug administration - ScienceDirect
Decomposition of an odorant in olfactory perception and neural representation | Nature Human Behaviour
Quench and Tempered Embrittlement of Ultra-High-Strength Steels with Transition Carbides
Shieldin and CST co-orchestrate DNA polymerase-dependent tailed-end joining reactions independently of 53BP1-governed repair pathway choice | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Interrogate Functional Domains and Isoforms of FREM1 Protein | Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
Plasma membrane preassociation drives β-arrestin coupling to receptors and activation: Cell
Purification, Biochemical Characterization, and Implications of an Alkali-Tolerant Catalase from the Spacecraft-Associated and Oxidation-Resistant Acinetobacter gyllenbergii 2P01AA | Astrobiology
Frontiers | Actinomycetes associated with hymenopteran insects: a promising source of bioactive natural products
Prokaryote- and Eukaryote-Based Expression Systems: Advances in Post-Pandemic Viral Antigen Production for Vaccines
COVID-19 and pregnancy: clinical outcomes; mechanisms, and vaccine efficacy - Translational Research
Fracture of Epoxy Networks Using Atomistic Simulations | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Towards Foundation Time Series Model: To Synthesize Or Not To Synthesize?
Methylene blue accelerates liquid-to-gel transition of tau condensates impacting tau function and pathology | Nature Communications
Full article: An iterative methodology for REDIM reduced chemistry generation and its validation for partially-premixed combustion
Effect of microneedles shape on skin penetration and transdermal drug administration - ScienceDirect
Decomposition of an odorant in olfactory perception and neural representation | Nature Human Behaviour
Quench and Tempered Embrittlement of Ultra-High-Strength Steels with Transition Carbides
Shieldin and CST co-orchestrate DNA polymerase-dependent tailed-end joining reactions independently of 53BP1-governed repair pathway choice | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Development of Monoclonal Antibodies to Interrogate Functional Domains and Isoforms of FREM1 Protein | Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
Plasma membrane preassociation drives β-arrestin coupling to receptors and activation: Cell
Purification, Biochemical Characterization, and Implications of an Alkali-Tolerant Catalase from the Spacecraft-Associated and Oxidation-Resistant Acinetobacter gyllenbergii 2P01AA | Astrobiology
Frontiers | Actinomycetes associated with hymenopteran insects: a promising source of bioactive natural products
Prokaryote- and Eukaryote-Based Expression Systems: Advances in Post-Pandemic Viral Antigen Production for Vaccines
COVID-19 and pregnancy: clinical outcomes; mechanisms, and vaccine efficacy - Translational Research